Lizenz CC BY 4.0

Creative Commons 4.0 International Licence [CC BY 4.0]

Das Bild "" (2024) von Christian Huber ist unter der Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Lizenz veröffentlicht. Verwenden Sie das Bild für Ihre eigenen Materialien, bearbeiten und adaptieren Sie es, mixen Sie das Bild mit anderen Inhalten und vertreiben Sie es unter Nennung der originalen Urheberschaft. Wenn Sie etwas verändern, machen Sie dazu zusätzlich eine Anmerkung im Zitat.

Creative Commons Zitation:
, 2024 Christian Huber, CC BY 4.0,

DE  |  EN

Social Media Guidelines

these are the framework conditions for your social media task


Here you will find all the important information about copyright, copyright, specific icons and graphics, colors and fonts.

These general conditions must be observed when you work on a social media task for the ENM & FMI study programs.

durchschnittliche Dauer der Lektion : 15 Minuten







Usage rights & copyright ^ 

Here are the essential guidelines for the use of third-party works and the license between you and us, i.e. the rights of use of your own work.

No use of third-party elements ^ 

The use of elements from third parties is not permitted Templates, graphic elements, icons, logos, images, music and video must always be created by yourself! Elements integrated in software tools may not be used. Freely licensed elements or elements licensed as Creative Commons may also not be used.

Music & Sounds ^ 

The use of music or sounds in commercial social media posts is only permitted with licensed tracks. It's important to note that the available music and audio titles for commercial and private use differ. Specifically, there are significantly fewer titles available for commercial use. To ensure that social media posts comply with applicable guidelines and avoid any copyright violations, use licensed music! This not only protects the rights of the artists but also helps you avoid potential legal consequences.

The most secure method for correctly applying usage licenses is to separately integrate the music titles provided by social media platforms into your video and image content. By incorporating the music options offered by these platforms as standalone elements, you ensure compliance with licensing requirements and reduce the risk of copyright infringement. This approach simplifies the licensing process while providing assurance that your content is legally sound and properly licensed for distribution on social media channels.

As the results are not published in the context of research and teaching, there are high requirements for the elements used. All contributions published by us on social media are commercial content.

Literature & references ^ 

Paraphrased quotations from the literature are possible. These are presented uniformly according to the Citation Guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA) in the current version. The sources are indicated in small letters near the respective citation as a reference. This can be at the bottom of a post slide or a video element, for example. If there are several paraphrased citations on an article slide, the respective text passage is marked with numbers - equivalent to endnotes - in square brackets.


  • in the text: This is my text [1]
  • at the footer: [1] Surname, first name abbreviated (year or date). Title. Journal italics, Volume(Issue), Page Range. DOI

Content Size

Graphic specifications ^ 

There are Cooperate Identity (CI) specifications that must be taken into account to ensure uniformity and the recognition effect of the contributions.

Content Size ^ 

  • post square photos aspect ratio of 1:1 - minimum 1080px x 1080px - maximum 10 slides in a carousel post
  • post caption minimum 130 characters - maximum 2.200 characters
  • stories image aspect ratio of 9:16 - minimum 1080 x 1920 px
  • stories video aspect ratio of 9:16 - miniumum 1080 x 1920 px - maximum 15 seconds
  • reel image aspect ratio of 9:16 - miniumum 1080 x 1920 px
  • reel video aspect ratio of 9:16 - miniumum 1080 x 1920 px - best 7 to 15 seconds maximum 60 seconds
  • reel caption minimum 130 characters - maximum 2.200 characters

Videos and images in news feed are croped approximately 15% of the top and bottom to an aspect ratio of 4:5

Content Size

Color Scheme ^ 

The following colors are permitted for fonts and graphic elements:

  • white (HEX: FFFFFF - RGB: 256 256 256)
  • black & grayscale (HEX: 000000, 404040 666666, 808080, c0c0c0, ... - RGB: 0 0 0 0, 64 64 64, 128 128 128, 192 192 192, ...)
  • blue tone of the study program (HEX: 48BED8 - RGB: 72 190 216)
  • green tone of the study program (HEX: 95C231 - RGB: 149 194 48)

Images ^ 

All images and videos are displayed in strong, high-contrast and saturated colors or as black & white images. Image parts can also be cut out and repositioned.

Font ^ 

The default font is Tahoma.

Overlapping Carousel Layout ^ 

In order to achieve consistency in carousel content, the layout must cover all slides and images.

Content Size

Icons for Orientation ^ 


Templates ^ 



Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag mit Namensnennung CC-BY  Creative Commons 4.0 International Licence [CC BY 4.0]  |  Social Media Guidelines - Christian Huber  |  12.09.2024  |  Impressum  |  Datenschutz
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